- Avoid Surprises by coming up with a game plan
- The Holidays can be a very stressful time of year with all of the expectations that come along with it. Which family are you going to spend time with? What presents are you going to get? Which parties are you going to attend? What foods are you going to make? If you don’t have a game plan, then you can get overwhelmed very easily. Start planning out your Thanksgiving and Christmas Holiday weeks in advance so that there won’t be any stressful surprises at the last minute.
- Make a budget
- The #1 problem in marriages and relationships is money, and what you do with your money during the Holidays can have a ripple effect on your budget for the rest of the year. Sit down and be realistic about what you can and can’t afford this year. Can you afford the ski trip or the expensive Christmas presents? Be honest with yourself. Don’t buy presents for everyone if you can’t afford it. I promise you that your Aunt June will be just fine if she doesn’t get a Christmas sweater this year.
- Focus on Fun, not Food
- Most holidays are associated with certain foods. Christmas at your house might not be the same without your aunt’s green been casserole, but that doesn’t mean food has to be the main focus. Instead, throw yourself into the other rituals a holiday brings, whether it’s caroling or tree trimming.
- Have a Tech-free Holiday
- We have all been out to dinner and seen the family that is engaged in their electronics and not each other. Don’t let that be you this Holiday season. Put down the phones and turn off the electronics and focus on creating new memories with your friends and family. You can Facebook about it later.
- The Best Offense is a Good Defense
- Everyone’s overly busy during the holidays, and most of us want to spend our time shopping, decorating, or seeing friends and family, which leaves less time to cook healthy meals. Take defensive action several weeks ahead of time by cooking meals intended specifically for the freezer. You’ll be thankful later when you can pop one of the meals into the oven or microwave and turn your attention instead to writing out holiday cards with a personal message in each.
- Portion Control
- Everyone has their favorite dish during the Holidays. Ever since I was a little boy my favorite thing has always been my grandmother’s homemade pumpkin chiffon pie. You can still enjoy your favorite foods, just practice portion control. One helpful tip is to use a smaller plate so you don’t load up as much food.
- Moderation
- When it comes time to enjoy some cocktails at the office Christmas party, try to practice moderation and limit yourself to how many drinks you have. You will spare yourself some empty calories and possibly some embarrassment in front of your coworkers.
- Turkey Trot
- This year start a new Holiday tradition that involves exercise. Sign up for a 5K race or some other type of exercise event. This way you have something to train for and you will be less tempted to eat that extra slice of pie and more inclined to hit the gym.
- Schedule Some Me Time
- We all know how stressful the Holidays can become, that is why it is important to schedule some down time to allow yourself to unwind. Exercise is one way to do this, but you may also want to consider getting a massage, reading a good book, or watching your favorite Christmas movie. Whatever it is that you like to do on your down time, make it a priority so you don’t get burned out this Holiday season.
- It’s better to Give than Receive
- Studies show that people who give their time and money to charity live longer and happier lives. The Holiday season is the perfect time of year to give back to the community and the less fortunate. This year start a new tradition with your family and help out at your charity of choice. After all, it is better to give than receive.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
10 Tips To A Happy and Healthy Holiday
Some of you may still be recovering from your Halloween “Candy Coma” just in time for the Thanksgiving turkey binge. The Holiday season is definitely upon us, and with this time of year comes the temptation to, overeat, overspend, and under exercise. I want to encourage you to avoid the pitfalls of the Holidays by making better decisions for your wallet, your waistline, and your family. You can make the most of the Holidays and it all starts with a good game plan. Follow my 10 Tips to a Happier and Healthier Holiday.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Concussions, The Silent Epidemic In Sports
It's another Friday night under the lights, and just like every other high school football team in America, the Tipton Cardinals are trying to win another game. But this game was special, it's the first round of the Missouri state playoffs. It's a chilly Halloween night as Chad Stover, a 16 year-old defensive back, leads the Tipton Cardinals on the field to stop their opponent. In the third quarter Tipton is trailing Sacred Heart 27-18. Sacred Heart has the ball and is looking to score again. The ball is snapped and the running back takes the hand-off. Chad Stover zeros in on the running back and goes in for the tackle. As Chad collides with the running back, his head violently strikes the running backs thigh. That was the last tackle that Chad Stover would ever make.
Chad managed to make it to the sidelines, but something wasn't right. Twice his coach asked if he was okay. Chad said he was and went back into the game. In the huddle he told his teammates, "Somethings wrong." Chad's legs went weak and he collapsed on the field. His parents watched in horror from the bleachers. In the state of Missouri, or any of the 50 states for that matter, it is not required by law for an ambulance to be present at a high school football game. 911 was called, and shortly arrived to tend to Chad. He was placed on a stretcher and life-flighted to near-by Columbia University Hospital. Chad had sustained a severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) comparable to a motor vehicle collision. He would remain on life support for two weeks until he passed on November 12, 2013 with his family by his side.
Head injuries in sports has become a serious topic of discussion in recent years. In a court filing made public on September 12 the NFL estimates that nearly one-third of former players will develop dementia, Alzheimer's disease or other neurological disorders like Parkinson's and ALS. These statistics are a stark contrast to the NFL's position for years that there was no risk of neurological disorders after a career of taking blows to the head.
A recent study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association followed 25 college football players with no formal concussion history and found that the players had significantly less than normal volume in the hippocampus, the region of the brain that is in charge of memory. In another study conducted by the University of Rochester, researchers found a significant decrease in white matter in the brains of college football players who were relatively concussion free.
If you think that just college and NFL players are at risk of head injuries because they have more violent collisions, then think again. Children are at much greater risk of sustaining head injuries then adults because their brains are still developing. Virgina Tech's biomedical-engineering department tracked 19 boys ages 7 and 8 during the 2011 and 2012 seasons. The researchers counted 3,061 blows to the heads of the boys, 60% of which occurred in practice. None of the boys sustained a concussion, but the hits were violent nonetheless. 11 of the hits registered a g-force of 80 or greater, which is what you would see in a motor vehicle collision.
In light of the shocking research that has been released, many parents are thinking twice before letting their sons or daughters play collision sports. From 2007 to 2013, tackle football participation has fallen 26.5% among U.S. kids ages 6 to 12, according to the Sports & Fitness Industry Association.
What is a Concussion?
So what is a concussion? A concussion occurs when their is trauma to the head, neck, or body that results in damage to the brain. When the body sustains a violent blow, the brain is shaken inside the cranium. The brain has billions of nerve cells and some of them may be injured or even broken when the head or body takes a hit.
Signs and Symptoms of a Concussion
It is important for everyone to know and understand the signs and symptoms of a concussion, including the athlete, the coaches, and the parents. Here are some of the signs and symptoms of a concussion.
Loss of consciousness | Seizure or convulsion | Balance problems | Nausea or vomiting | Drowsiness |
More Emotional | Irritability | Sadness | Fatigue or low energy | Nervous or anxious |
"Don't feel right" | difficulty remembering | headache | Dizziness | Confusion |
Feeling Slowed down | "Pressure in head" | Blurred vision | Sensitivity to light | Amnesia |
Concussion Treatment
Whenever a concussion is suspected in an individual it is important to have a trained provider perform a thorough orthopedic and neurological exam of the head and neck to determine the extend of the injury. The best treatment for a concussion is physical and cognitive rest. This means no physical or mental exertion until the signs and symptoms of the concussion have subsided. The individual should slowly return to their normal activities as their symptoms decrease, but if their symptoms worsen they should return to their previous level of activity where they had no symptoms.
Return to Play Protocol
- Rest until signs and symptoms go away.
- Must remain symptom free at each step.
- Minimum of 1 day at each step.
- Light aerobic activity
- Sports specific activity and training
- Non-contact training drills
- Full contact training drills
- Competition
7 Tips to Concussion Prevention
It is important to understand that as long as you or your child are involved in a contact sport, you are at risk of getting a concussion. No helmet or piece of equipment can fully prevent a concussion, but there are some steps that you can follow to reduce the risk of a concussion.
- Educating the athletes, coaches and parents on the signs and symptoms of a concussion.
- Base-line concussion testing of all athletes in the pre-season.
- Proper training and technique on how to tackle and take a hit.
- Proper equipment.
- Stricter rules that punish unnecessary roughness.
- Proper strength training, especially of the neck.
- When in doubt, hold them out.
We live in a dangerous world. Whether we are walking down the street, driving down the road, or playing a contact sport, there will always be inherent risk. Hopefully as doctors and scientist continue to do research and learn more about concussions, we will be able to find a middle ground of preventing concussions and enjoying some of our favorite sports. Until that time, educate yourself on concussions, play safe, and when in doubt, sit them out.
1. Gregory, Sean. "The Tragic Risks Of An American Obsession." Time. September 2014: 32-39. Print
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Movement, The Medicine For Life
Our bodies are designed to move, a lot. All of our joints and muscles have special nerve endings, called proprioceptors, that are stimulated by movement. When these nerve endings are stimulated, they release a chemical that has the ability to override pain.
In our Western Civilization many people live very sedentary lives. If you think about it, most people wake up, get ready for work, and they "SIT" in their car for their commute to work. Then they "SIT" for 8 hours at a desk job. After work they "SIT" again on their drive home. Finally, they "SIT" on the couch while watching their favorite TV shows before they go to bed. The average American is sitting for 10 hours or more during the day. As a nation we are suffering from a disease I like to call hypomovementitis, which is caused by a deficiency in vitamin M, (movement).
I am writing about this jokingly, but this is a very serious matter. Our sedentary lifestyles are the root cause of many chronic diseases, (high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, etc.) that cost individuals and this country billions of dollars every year. The United States spends more money on "sick-care" than any other country in the world. Just imagine what we could do as individuals and a nation if we saved billions of dollars a year on managing chronic diseases.
Every day I see the results of a lack of movement in patients in my practice. My focus is more on correcting the negative musculoskeletal side effects, but I know that if I can get my patients moving more, then it is going to have positive effects systemically. To learn more about the adverse health effects from lack of movement, please read my article, "Death by Sitting".
When the human body is faced with outside stresses it will make adaptations, this is my approach to this issue. I don't propose that we should try to change all of Western Civilization, simply make adaptations to better cope with the stress that we face each day. I would never tell someone to quit their job because they sit at a desk all day. They just need to find a way to adapt to that physical stress. I encourage my patients to, "engineer movement" into their daily lives. Just like anything that is important to us, we have to make a concerted effort to develop good habits. Here are 7 tips to engineer movement into your life.
- Ride a bike to work.
- If you have to drive to work, park farther away so that you have to walk.
- Take the stairs.
- Instead of sitting in a chair, have a standing work station or sit on a exercise ball.
- Take a 5 min break every hour to stand up and walk around to improve blood flow.
- Do a set of 10 back extension stretches to take the stress off your low back.
- Do Wall Angel exercises to pull your shoulders back.
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Please take a minute to visit my social media sites.
Burnett Chiropractic @BurnettChiro
Burnett Chiropractic @BurnettChiro
Thanks for reading. If you would like to learn more about other services that I offer, please contact the office.
In Health,
Brian C. Burnett, D.C., M.S.
Chiropractic Physician
Brian Burnett Chiropractic, PL
1108 Hays St. Tallahassee, FL
O: 850-222-5362
Monday, July 7, 2014
Heat Illness Prevention
Here in Florida, we know a thing or two about hot weather. It's early July, and the summer heat is in full swing. Heat illness is a serious condition that can affect any individual, especially athletes who are training out in the heat. If you are a coach or athlete, please familiarize yourself with the dangers of heat illness.
What is Heat Illness?
Heat illnesses occur when someone is exposed to extreme temperatures and the body is unable to cool itself off. There are several factors that can lead to heat illness:
There are four (4) classifications of heat illness.
Signs of Heat Illness
The signs and symptoms of heat illness vary in severity, but can escalate very rapidly and quickly become life threatening.
Heat Rash is a skin irritation caused by excessive sweating and is the least serious heat illness.
Heat Cramps are painful muscle spasms, usually in the calves or leg muscles, caused by depleted electrolytes from excessive sweating. Many athletes have experienced heat cramps at some point in their career and know how it can quickly limit their performance.
Heat Exhaustion is not life threatening, but can quickly escalate into heat stroke, which is deadly, if not treated.
Heat Illness Prevention
The key to preventing heat illness is to educate yourself on the signs, and know how to respond accordingly. It is also important to understand that a mild heat illness can quickly become a life threatening situation.
If someone is exhibiting the signs of heat exhaustion, follow these steps.
It is important to understand that if you are exercising outside in the heat, you can become dehydrated and develop a heat illness faster. Follow these steps when exercising outside in the heat.
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Please take a minute to visit my social media sites.
Thanks for reading. If you would like to learn more about other services that I offer, please contact the office.
In Health,
Brian C. Burnett, D.C., M.S.
Chiropractic Physician
Brian Burnett Chiropractic, PL
1108 Hays St. Tallahassee, FL
O: 850-222-5362
What is Heat Illness?
Heat illnesses occur when someone is exposed to extreme temperatures and the body is unable to cool itself off. There are several factors that can lead to heat illness:
- Exercise duration
- Fitness level
- Humidity
- Age
- Being overweight
- Hydration
- Heat rash
- Heat cramps
- Heat exhaustion
- Heat stroke
Signs of Heat Illness
The signs and symptoms of heat illness vary in severity, but can escalate very rapidly and quickly become life threatening.
Heat Rash is a skin irritation caused by excessive sweating and is the least serious heat illness.
Heat Cramps are painful muscle spasms, usually in the calves or leg muscles, caused by depleted electrolytes from excessive sweating. Many athletes have experienced heat cramps at some point in their career and know how it can quickly limit their performance.
Heat Exhaustion is not life threatening, but can quickly escalate into heat stroke, which is deadly, if not treated.
- Excessive sweating
- Weakness
- Cold, pale, clammy skin
- Fast, weak pulse
- Nausea or vomiting
- Fainting
- Body temperature above 103 degrees (F)
- Hot, red, dry or moist skin
- Rapid and strong pulse
- Possible unconsciousness.
Heat Illness Prevention
The key to preventing heat illness is to educate yourself on the signs, and know how to respond accordingly. It is also important to understand that a mild heat illness can quickly become a life threatening situation.
If someone is exhibiting the signs of heat exhaustion, follow these steps.
- Move to a cooler location, in the shade or indoors.
- Lie down and loosen clothing.
- Apply cool, wet towels to your skin.
- Sip water
- If you have vomited and symptoms continue, seek medical attention.
- Call 911 immediately.
- Move to a cool, shaded location.
- Reduce the body temperature with cool, wet towels or a bath.
It is important to understand that if you are exercising outside in the heat, you can become dehydrated and develop a heat illness faster. Follow these steps when exercising outside in the heat.
- Exercise in the morning or late afternoon when the temperature is cooler.
- Pace your workout allowing for plenty of warm-up and cool down time.
- Wear loose, light clothing.
- Avoid eating heavy meals prior to exercising outside.
- Drink plenty of fluids before, during and after exercising outside.
- Monitor yourself for signs of heat illness. If you begin to develop signs of heat illness, seek medical attention.
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Please take a minute to visit my social media sites.
Burnett Chiropractic @BurnettChiro
Burnett Chiropractic @BurnettChiro
Thanks for reading. If you would like to learn more about other services that I offer, please contact the office.
In Health,
Brian C. Burnett, D.C., M.S.
Chiropractic Physician
Brian Burnett Chiropractic, PL
1108 Hays St. Tallahassee, FL
O: 850-222-5362
Friday, June 27, 2014
Do You Suffer from Chronic Headaches?
Do you suffer from headaches? Headaches, or cephalgia is described as pain in the head and neck region. As a chiropractor, I treat headaches everyday, so I understand how debilitating they can be. If you are someone who suffers daily from headaches, then you know how they can interfere with every aspect of your life. It is my goal to identify the cause of your headaches and give you lasting relief so that you can start living your life again.
What Causes Headaches?
Headaches can be very difficult to diagnose because there are over 200 different types of headaches. Some are benign, and some can be life-threatening. The brain itself does not have pain fibers and cannot sense pain. The pain that you feel from headaches is caused by pain-sensitive structures surrounding the brain. There are nine of these structures in the head and neck, they are the cranium, muscles, nerves, arteries and veins, subcutaneous tissues, eyes, ears, sinuses, and mucous membrane.
Types of Headaches
Headaches are classified as either, "primary" or "secondary". Primary headaches are benign and not caused by any underlining disease or structural problems. Migraines are a type of primary headache. While migraines can be very debilitating, they are not dangerous or life threatening.
On the other hand, secondary headaches are usually caused by an underlying disease, like a tumor, brain bleed, or infection. Secondary headaches can be harmless, or can be life threatening. There are certain "Red Flags" that you should pay attention to that may indicate a life threatening headache.
Red Flags
The following are some red flags that may indicate a dangerous headache:
1. New headache after age 50
2. Very sudden onset of headache, (thunderclap headache)
3. Headache increasing in frequency and severity
4. New onset of headache in an individual with possible HIV or cancer.
5. Headache following head trauma.
6. Headache with full body illness, (fever, rash, stiff neck).
7. Inability to move a limb.
8. Change in personality, consciousness, or mental state.
9. Headache caused by cough or physical exertion.
Treatment for Headaches
In my practice the most common types of headaches that I treat are primary headaches, like migraines and tension headaches. Many of my patients suffer from chronic repetitive stress in the neck and shoulders from poor posture because they sit at a desk all day. When this happens, the head and shoulders begin to roll forward, thus placing a lot of stress on the muscles and joints in the cervical spine. For every one inch of anterior translation of the head, 10 lbs. of stress is placed on the neck. This will cause the muscles at the base of the skull to spasm, and when this happens the nerves will become irritated. This is the beginning of a tension headache.
My approach to treating headaches is the same as if I were treating any other area of the body. First I address joint restrictions through chiropractic adjustments. Joint mobility is essential to overall health. Next, I address the tight and tender muscles with Active Release Technique or other soft tissue therapies. The third, and probably most important, step in treating headaches is to teach my patients corrective exercises that will improve their posture and help to prevent headaches in the future. The final step is to educate my patients on stress management. The majority of us live very stressful lives, which can take its toll on our health. Managing your stress levels is vital to preventing headaches and living an Optimized Lifestyle.
The following is a testimony from one of my patients who suffered from headaches before coming to see me.
I visited Dr. Burnett on the advice of my primary care physician. I had severe headaches with vomiting and two visits to the emergency room. After the very first visit, I had no further headaches. I continued to see Dr. Burnett; first once a week, then every two weeks. As of this writing, I am seeing him once a month. He gave me exercises to do at home starting with the first visit and added additional ones on subsequent visits. Some were difficult at first, but after a while I got so I could do them easily and without pain. I am still working on my right shoulder but I am confident it will soon be as functional as my left. It is surprisingly that there are so many areas in your body that contribute to headaches. I would highly recommend Dr. Burnett.
- Karen Trogdon
If you or someone you know suffers from headaches, you don't have to anymore. Call our office today to schedule an appointment, and take back your life.
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Please take a minute to visit my social media sites.
Burnett Chiropractic @BurnettChiro
Burnett Chiropractic @BurnettChiro
Thanks for reading. If you would like to learn more about other services that I offer, please contact the office.
In Health,
Brian C.Burnett, D.C., M.S.
Chiropractic Physician
Brian Burnett Chiropractic, PL
1108 Hays St. Tallahassee, FL
O: 850-222-5362
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Soft Tissue Injuries, Performance and Treatment
What is Soft Tissue?
The soft tissues of the body are made up of skin, fat, muscles,
tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nervous tissue.
These structures are used to connect, support and protect other
structures and organs of the body. Just
like other living tissues in the body, soft tissue can become injured.
There are two type of soft tissue injuries that can
Acute injury – An injury caused by trauma
that results in soft tissue tearing which causes immediate inflammation. If not treated properly, the cumulative
injury cycle may set in.
Cumulative trauma disorder (CTD) – occurs
with repetitive motion injuries and poor posture.
CTD is the major injury problem in the workforce
and the general population in this country.
Whether you suffer from an acute injury or cumulative, the
soft tissue goes through the same injury cycle.
At first there is swelling and inflammation, which causes pain. Next the body begins to deposit connective
tissue on the injured site. This
inhibits the movement of the tissues causing friction which leads to more inflammation
and pain.
If left untreated, soft tissue injuries can have an effect
on an athlete’s performance or an individual’s daily activities. The
body will produce tough, dense scar tissue in the affected area. This scar tissue binds up and ties down
tissues that need to move freely. As
scar tissue builds up, muscles become shorter and weaker, tension on tendons causes’
tendonitis, and nerves become trapped. This
can cause reduced range of motion, loss of strength, and pain. If you are an athlete, these side-effects can
greatly hinder your performance.
Soft Tissue Therapy
If you are suffering from a soft tissue injury there are
many therapies available to you. Here
are some of the treatments that I offer at my clinic.
Active Release Technique, (ART)
ART is a patented, state of the art soft tissue
system/movement based massage technique that treats problems with muscles,
tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves.
Headaches, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, shin splints, shoulder
pain, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, knee problems, and tennis elbow are just a
few of the many conditions that can be resolved quickly and permanently with
<iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/23870905" width="500" height="375" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>
Technique is an innovative, patented form of instrument-assisted soft tissue
mobilization that enables clinicians to effectively break down scar tissue and
fascial restrictions. The technique
utilizes specially designed stainless steel instruments to specifically detect
and effectively treat areas exhibting soft tissue fibrosis or chronic
Functional Tapping
tapping is a specialized type of athletic tape that has many applications. There are several different brands out there,
but I prefer Rock Tape. Here are some of
the benefits of using Rock Tape.
§ Lifts the Skin- The elastic
nature of the tape slightly lifts the skin from the underlying soft tissue.
This allows increase lymphatic flow which reduces swelling, helps eliminate
bruising, and decreases pain. The increase blood flow also allows fresh blood
to reach the injured tissue which accelerates the healing process.
§ Increase Mechanoreceptor Stimulation-
Mechanoreceptors are sensory receptors stimulated by Rock Tape. This helps with
proper muscle firing, improving proprioception, and blocking pain receptors
from reaching the brain.
§ Stabilizes Joints- Rock Tape
offers mild to moderate support for joints, while allowing 100% range of motion
in the joint.
What Conditions is Rock Tape Used For?
- Low Back and Neck Pain
- Shoulder, Knee, and Ankle Pain
- Postural Syndromes
- Muscle Strains such as Hamstring Pulls
- Tendinitis
- Shin Splits
- Plantar Fasciitis
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Please take a minute to like my social media sites.
Burnett Chiropractic @BurnettChiro
Thanks for reading. If you would like to learn more about other services that I offer, please contact the office.
In Health,
Brian C.Burnett, D.C., M.S.
Chiropractic Physician
Brian Burnett Chiropractic, PL
1108 Hays St. Tallahassee, FL
O: 850-222-5362
Thanks for reading. If you would like to learn more about other services that I offer, please contact the office.
In Health,
Brian C.Burnett, D.C., M.S.
Chiropractic Physician
Brian Burnett Chiropractic, PL
1108 Hays St. Tallahassee, FL
O: 850-222-5362
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
What is Sports Performance Care?
What is Sports Performance Care?
I LOVE being a chiropractor!
Why? Because it is one of the most diverse healthcare professions there
is. Ask ten different people what their
chiropractor does, and you may get ten different answers. That is because most chiropractors practice
different adjusting styles and focus on different areas of treating the human
body. I call it the Chiropractic
Spectrum. There are over 100 named
chiropractic techniques and many areas of specialization.
One of my areas of focus is sports medicine and performance
care. I treat sports injuries and help
athletes perform better, although you don’t have to be an elite level athlete
to benefit from this type of care. What
I do is help people move better. This is
important because one’s ability to move is an indicator of their overall
health. After all, movement is a unique
characteristic of living creatures.
So how do I improve mobility in my patients? Well, my approach to treating injuries is
three fold.
Eliminate joint restrictions
Improve soft tissue mobility
Strengthen the injured area
I incorporate several treatment modalities in my patient’s
treatment plan to achieve these goals.
Chiropractic Adjustments
The human body is a dynamic machine with many moving
parts. It is our joints that allow our
bodies to move. Sometimes our joints get
locked up, or restricted and don’t move right. This is called a subluxation. All of the joints in the body have nerve
endings, called mechanoreceptors that detect movement. When these mechanoreceptors are stimulated by
movement they secret chemicals that actually have the ability to override pain. When the joints are not moving properly they
also reduce your range of motion, and if you’re an athlete this is going to
decrease your power output and limit your performance.
Active Release Technique and soft tissue therapy
Anytime you have an injury there is going to be a soft
tissue component. Soft tissue consists
of muscles, tendons, ligaments and other connective tissues. When these structures are injured the body
lays down scar tissue. If not treated,
this scar tissue can severely decrease mobility and function of the soft tissue.
In the case of injured muscles, this can lead to decreased strength and
Active Release technique is a soft tissue therapy that
treats injured muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerve entrapments. I use ART to successfully treat a number of
Rehab Exercises
The final component sports performance care is to rehab the
injured area. When you have injured an
area of the body and are not able to use it for a period of time, that body
part is going to get weaker. I use
specific rehab exercises to not only strengthen the body, but to help prevent
injuries from happening in the future.
I also incorporated other modalities into my Sports
Performance Care treatment, such as functional tapping and Graston
Technique. If you would like to learn
more about Sports Performance Care and how it can help you, please contact my
office today at 850-222-5362.
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Please take a minute to like my social media sites.
Burnett Chiropractic @BurnettChiro
Thanks for reading.
In Health,
Brian C.Burnett, D.C., M.S.
Chiropractic Physician
Brian Burnett Chiropractic, PL
1108 Hays St. Tallahassee, FL
O: 850-222-5362
Thanks for reading.
In Health,
Brian C.Burnett, D.C., M.S.
Chiropractic Physician
Brian Burnett Chiropractic, PL
1108 Hays St. Tallahassee, FL
O: 850-222-5362
Monday, March 10, 2014
If you are like most people, you probably don't give a whole lot of thought to your posture throughout the day. And you certainly don't think about your posture being bad for your health, but think again!
I see the adverse side effects of poor posture in my practice everyday. These negative effects extend far beyond a stiff neck and back, but have more systemic and dangerous implications. If you look at the major killers in Western culture, (heart disease, stroke, cancer, etc) all of these are perpetuated by our sedentary lifestyles. Allow me to elaborate.
I could go on at length, but I think you get the point. So what are we supposed to do? Our culture revolves around technology. Now, I love technology as much as the next person, but I don't think we should have to sacrifice our health in the process.
Here are a few simple action steps that you can take to avoid being another victim of a sedentary lifestyle.
If you have any more questions, please contact me.
Please follow my blog and like my other pages.
Thanks for reading.
In Health,
Brian C.Burnett, D.C., M.S.
Chiropractic Physician
Brian Burnett Chiropractic, PL
1108 Hays St. Tallahassee, FL
O: 850-222-5362
I see the adverse side effects of poor posture in my practice everyday. These negative effects extend far beyond a stiff neck and back, but have more systemic and dangerous implications. If you look at the major killers in Western culture, (heart disease, stroke, cancer, etc) all of these are perpetuated by our sedentary lifestyles. Allow me to elaborate.
- Decreased Brain Function: The brain requires a tremendous amount of oxygen to thrive. When the body is in motion, blood is being pumped to the brain and chemical processes can take place. When we are sedentary, blood flow to the brain decrease and so does brain function. If you suffer from mid-afternoon brain fog, then put down the coffee and go take some laps around your work place.
- Heart Disease: Muscles burn less fat and blood flows more sluggishly during a long sit, allowing fatty acids to more easily clog the heart. Prolonged sitting has been linked to high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol, and people with the most sedentary time are more than twice as likely to have cardiovascular disease than those with the least.
- Pancreas: The pancreas produces insulin, a hormone that carries glucose to cells for energy. But cells in idle muscles don't respond as readily to insulin, so the pancreas produces more and more, which can lead to diabetes and other diseases. A 2011 study found a decline in insulin response after just one day of prolonged sitting.
- Colon: Studies have linked sitting to a greater risk for colon, breast and endometrial cancers. The reason is unclear, but one theory is that excess insulin encourages cell growth. Another is that regular movement boosts natural antioxidants that kill cell-damaging
— and potentially cancer-causing — free radicals - Musculoskeletal Disorders: Now time for my expertise.
- Neck pain: When you sit typing at a computer all day, your head naturally will begin to move forward. This causes a tremendous amount of stress on the cervical vertebrae. Every inch of forward head translation is the equivalent of 10lbs of tensions on the joints of the neck. If this is done day in and day out for years, it can lead to degeneration of the cervical disc and joints.
- Upper Cross Syndrome: This is a fancy term for the muscle imbalance that occurs in the neck and shoulders from sitting all day. Just like your head, when you sit all day your shoulders also roll forward. This causes tight muscles in the chest and neck. Likewise, the trapezius muscles, or shoulders, get very tight. Imagine if you flexed your biceps all day. Well, after 10 minutes they would be really sore. The same thing is happening to your neck and shoulders when you sit all day. As the muscles are continually contracted, lactic acid builds up forming painful trigger points.
- Thoracic Kyphosis "Hunch Back": As we age, our intervertebral disc begin to dehydrate and shrink. This leads to a decrease in height and can cause a hunch back that we commonly see in a lot of elderly people. However, sitting for prolonged periods of time can cause this posture in much younger populations. When are thoracic spine is in an over "flexed" position it will lead to neck problems. It will also alter the biomechanics of the shoulder, predisposing you to shoulder injuries.
- Low Back Pain: There is no way around it. sitting is terrible for your low back. Studies have shown that sitting places a tremendous amount of stress on the low back. Over time, this can lead to degenerative disc disease and possibly disc herniation.
I could go on at length, but I think you get the point. So what are we supposed to do? Our culture revolves around technology. Now, I love technology as much as the next person, but I don't think we should have to sacrifice our health in the process.
Here are a few simple action steps that you can take to avoid being another victim of a sedentary lifestyle.
- Regular visits to your chiropractor: Chiropractors are trained in musculoskeletal conditions and can help keep your spine healthy and moving properly.
- Exercise and stretch daily: We all are aware of the many health benefits of exercise. Just one more reason to do it. Keeping your muscles strong and flexible will help to counteract many of the side effects of sitting.
- Practices Good Posture: The majority of us do sit at school or our jobs, so if you do have to sit for a prolonged period of time, then practice good posture. Sit up straight with your head back. Relax your shoulders and keep your arms to your side. Use a lumbar support to keep the normal curve in your low back. Take periodic breaks to get up and stretch.
If you have any more questions, please contact me.
Please follow my blog and like my other pages.
Thanks for reading.
In Health,
Brian C.Burnett, D.C., M.S.
Chiropractic Physician
Brian Burnett Chiropractic, PL
1108 Hays St. Tallahassee, FL
O: 850-222-5362
Monday, February 24, 2014
What is TMJD and what can I do about it?
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) acts as a sliding hinge
joint, connecting your jaw bone to your skull.
The TMJ open and closes your mouth allowing you to talk, chew food, and
yawn. TMJ dysfunction is a serious
disorder of the joint and muscles around it that may cause:
Pain in the jaw, face or neck
Stiff jaw muscles
Limited movement or locking of the jaw making it
difficult to open and close your mouth
The temporomandibular joint combines hinge action with
sliding motions. The parts of the bones
that interact in the joint are covered with cartilage and are separated by a
small shock-absorbing disk, which normally keeps the movement smooth.
Painful TMJ Dysfunction can occur by:
Clenching or grinding the teeth at night
The joint is damaged by a blow or impact
The disk erodes or moves out of its proper
The joint’s cartilage is damaged by arthritis
Most cases of TMJ dysfunction are associated with tight jaw
muscles and restricted joint motion. In
some cases, the symptoms of TMJ dysfunction may resolve on their own. However, if they don’t, there are a number of
treatment options available. My approach
to treating TMJ dysfunction is to address the tight muscles through soft tissue
therapies and the joint restriction through chiropractic manipulation.
Here are the treatments that I offer for TMJ dysfunction:
Active Release Technique
Chiropractic adjustments
Home exercises and stretching
Counseling and education
If you or someone you know is suffering from TMJ pain, call today to schedule an appointment. 850-222-5362
You can visit my Facebook page to learn more about other services that I offer.
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